The last time liked it that everybody everything in the English will say. Good on the heigth being, can I that of course not on my nose letting bypass. I shall here now also an English piece writen.
As everybody waits was there two weeks ago train staking. They are there not more content, there by the train. Thus staking they. They cause there with much many last.
And then are they not all agreed! Two third will work. Ah yes, everybody will broad in the broadcast.
Now had Slow heard at the television that there all back speak was of a train staking on 13 and 14 october and he said: “now go they overdrive! As they that do, coming we at all not more home”.
But lucky have they it not done.
Fine for you..but I hope they wont shift it to next weekend then..’cause that means trouble for me!
And dó speak a good little word over the border hé!
You shall see, they stake always as they the people can cow-on-honnor.
Oh dear! I like really not of cow-on-honnored become!
I think that they their feet sweepen at what people think.
Ms-ke, You write very well …
! And Slow is so kind ! Even a train likes you all
Bye byeeeeeeeeeee …
I laugh myself bent with you hahaha.
You must careful be with to hard laughing, thereof can you the hiccups receive.
I take another glasses.I think mine is not used to read English!!